If you live in the Mid-Atlantic area of the United States (Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, New Jersey…), then first and foremost, check out the “Playgrounds” category on this website to find the best playground near me (you). You can find this category linked at the top of this page or by clicking here: Playgrounds.

If you’re searching for places to play outdoors throughout the United States, or even internationally, here’s a good tip for finding an amazingly awesome “playground near me”. This tip can show you the best places to play in your immediate area.

Actually, this tip is good for a lot of different places. Whether it’s searches like “best indoor water park near me” or “best indoor playground near me”. Use this hack to learn as much as you can about a place before heading out.

Amazing Playgrounds in Your Area
Since we travel a lot, we often are unfamiliar with our surroundings. However, we’re always looking for a fun playground during a road trip. Sometimes I plan these stops before I head out, other times the kids really need a break to stretch their legs.

Playground Near Me Tip
Here’s the tip: Use an image search. A picture is worth a 1000 words. You’ll also be able to see things like the potential for playground restrooms, water features, and even more. It’s a great idea to be able to tell your kids what they can expect.
After entering your search term, click “Images” directly below the search box. Then, you can even show your kids the photos of the playground, so they are better prepared for what they’ll get to experience once they arrive.

Search for specific phrases like “Playgrounds near Harrisburg” or “Playgrounds near Baltimore”. Be sure to include a city or town, as “near me” may give generic results. Then, click on the image that looks like a good playground. Be sure to do some more research about the playground before heading out.

You can do additional research by clicking on the photo and confirming that it’s a playground near me (you). Often, since boroughs or townships own the playgrounds, you can visit their website to ensure the playground is open for play. They may also have some additional information, and the golden gem: a map of the park.

Find An Amazing Playground Near Me
This tip will allow you to possibly find some hidden gems in your area or where you are traveling. As you scroll through the image search, right click on the image and open it in another tab. That way, you can have multiple tabs open that contain plenty of options from your search.

For instance, my youngest daughter loves monkey bars. A playground is not a playground to her unless there are monkey bars. By using an image search instead of regular search results, I can usually see whether a playground has money bars.

To make these images searches even more useful, Been There Done That with Kids covers dozens of playgrounds on this website. So, this helps even more as people are searching for “playground near me”. I’ve tried to included as many images as possible. However, it’s especially difficult to find information about new playgrounds.

Surprisingly, in 2020, many new parks and playgrounds were added or renovated. Typically, news articles about brand new playgrounds will help you find the newest playgrounds in the area.