Hershey Children’s Museum – Hershey, PA

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Hershey Childrens Museum - Sign
Hershey Children’s Museum – Sign

Hershey Children’s Museum is located at 3065 Elizabethtown Road, Hershey, Pennsylvania. It’s across the street from Adventure Sports and not far from the other major Hershey attractions.


The museum contains several rooms of pretend play opportunities, geared toward younger children 8 years old and younger.

Hershey ' Museum - Ball Pit
Ball Pit

There is an admission fee for both children and adults and memberships are available. See their website for more pricing information. No reservations are needed, but there is a (affiliate link) Clipp deal for admission that is available.

Hershey Childrens Museum - Climbing Shapes
Honeycomb Climber

There are low climbing and sliding opportunities, including a honeycomb climber and a barn set up. The ball pit has fish and a fishing rod. Nearby, a play café includes a play grill, food serving line, real menus, and ordering pads.

Hershey Childrens Museum - Cafe
Oasis Café Menu

Next to the café is a supermarket with shopping carts and a check out register. Play foods include a variety of fruits, vegetables, and breads.

Hershey Childrens Museum - Shopping

In another room, there are many more exhibits. In this area there is interactive ball play on one wall. This area shows how a ball can travel through a maze with some help along the way.

Hershey Childrens Museum - Ball Maze
Ball Maze

There’s also a LEGO car ramp where you can build and race a LEGO vehicle.

Hershey Childrens Museum - Car Ramp
LEGO Car Ramp

This area has the spaceship and beauty parlor, as well as a small ice cream play shop.

Ice Cream and Spaceship
Spaceship and Ice Cream Shop

Snacks are for sale within the museum, along with water and juice. There’s a specific snack room for eating, which doubles as a birthday party room.

Hershey Childrens Museum - Snacks
Snacks and toys for sale

Note that there’s a soil science outpost are that is enclosed, which has small colorful “rock” type digging opportunities. This area can be avoided if you have a younger child who may put them in their mouth.

Soil Science Outpost
Soil Science Outpost

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Post Author: karenbeth24